This page highlights the importance of the proposed Cocanarup – Kundip Class A Reserve as habitat for fauna classified as “Threatened” under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Relevant species include: Carnaby’s black-cockatoo, numbat, heath mouse, chuditch or western quoll and malleefowl.

There are also other species of conservation interest which occur in the area, and these are also referred to below. As an introduction though to this section it is worth highlighting that the proposed reserve area is host to many, many more fauna species simply because it is a large area of healthy, intact, well-connected bushland. It is an understatement to say that this is not common in the agricultural areas of Western Australia. The proposed reserve area is a treasure for all the common species as much as it is for those that have been pushed to the brink of survival.

Threatened Fauna

Priority fauna

Our Associates

Birdlife Western Australia
Western Australian Naturalists Club
Wildflower Society of Western Australia
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park
Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network
Ravensthorpe Historical Society
Ravensthorpe Progress Association
Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show

Contact Us

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PO Box 30
WA 6346
