The Ravensthorpe opportunity

“The town of Ravensthorpe is surrounded by a significant ecological, social, cultural and economic opportunity that has for decades been thwarted by somewhat irrelevant tenure classifications. It’s time we moved on from that.

The Ravensthorpe Range and the valley of the Steere and Phillips Rivers is well recognised as one of the most significant biodiversity areas in Australia, and is arguably the largest and most significant conservation need and opportunity left in south-western Australia. It contains an incredible array of species, with significant new discoveries still being made in recent decades, holds viable populations of a number of wildlife species lost from elsewhere, is the meeting place of a number of major ecosystem types and the only remaining area where the south coast and south-western ecosystems are connected to inland Australia.

While it holds areas of great importance in Noongar culture, as a meeting place for major clan groupings, as a key part of important storylines, and as an area where a brutal displacement of Noongar people occurred, it is only now starting to be recognised as such with areas of land around Ravensthorpe under discussion as part of the South West Native Title Settlement...”

“Recent concerns over possible exploration damage to one critical bird nesting site very rapidly gained national attention and support. Wouldn’t it be great if the community could leverage off all this extra support and profile to achieve ‘more than’ winning the next few battles we will inevitably have on our hands under current arrangements?

Apart from the attitude of earlier Shire Councils, over preceding decades the main impediment to conservation status for the area was the mineral interest, and the incompatibility of ‘A’ class reserve status with mining. Well, my reading is the world has moved on, and I think it is now time we resolved the anomaly of a major unconserved and largely unmanaged area of extremely high conservation value (both in terms of its intrinsic species but also for larger scale ecological function in south-western Australia)...”

(Gondwana Link, ‘The Ravensthorpe Opportunity’, 2/5/2024)

Our Associates

Birdlife Western Australia
Western Australian Naturalists Club
Wildflower Society of Western Australia
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park
Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network
Ravensthorpe Historical Society
Ravensthorpe Progress Association
Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show

Contact Us

PO Box 30
WA 6346
